今天收到學校的信,說學校Satander提款機被裝違法相機和竊取裝置,我整個晴天霹靂,剛好那段時間我懶得走到SQ2 TSB提款, 就近用了那台提款機,還好剛線上查帳,目前還好,但我明天一定要去換密碼,太恐怖了!!!這種事居然發生在學校耶!!!就在銀行前面的提款機耶!!!!!難怪我今天13:50在towncentre一直聽到警車飆學校的方向........這樣的英國怎麼讓人停止寫客訴信?!!
Cash machine on Square 4
We have just been informed by the University’s Security Manager that at 2.30pm today staff from the Santander bank on Square 4 found a skimming device and a camera on the cash machine. This has now been removed and the Police have been informed and will be dealing with the incident.
When used together, these devices could enable criminals to obtain the bank details of cash machine users, and use them illegally to make purchases. Therefore we would advise anyone who has used the Santander machine between 10am and 2.30pm today to check their bank statement carefully and contact their own bank if they notice any unauthorised transactions.
Sent by the Communications Office
學費貴成這樣,我認真考慮來找個社團玩玩了,目前想參加Japanese Society,練練我快被遺忘的日文,但是要交450元參加費, 這讓我認真考慮中...